Source code for firebase.auth

#   Copyright (c) 2022 Asif Arman Rahman
#   Licensed under MIT (

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A simple python wrapper for Google's
`Firebase Authentication REST API`_

.. _Firebase Authentication REST API:

import json
import datetime
import python_jwt as jwt
import jwcrypto.jwk as jwk
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding, NoEncryption, PrivateFormat

from firebase._exception import raise_detailed_error

[docs]class Auth: """ Firebase Authentication Service :type api_key: str :param api_key: ``apiKey`` from Firebase configuration :type credentials: :class:`~google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials` :param credentials: Service Account Credentials :type requests: :class:`~requests.Session` :param requests: Session to make HTTP requests :type client_secret: str or dict :param client_secret: (Optional) File path to or the dict object from social client secret file, defaults to :data:`None`. """ def __init__(self, api_key, credentials, requests, client_secret=None): """ Constructor method """ self.api_key = api_key self.credentials = credentials self.requests = requests self.current_user = None self.provider_id = None self.session_id = None if client_secret: self.client_secret = _load_client_secret(client_secret)
[docs] def authenticate_login_with_google(self): """ Redirect the user to Google's OAuth 2.0 server to initiate the authentication and authorization process. :return: Google Sign In URL :rtype: str """ return self.create_authentication_uri('')
[docs] def create_authentication_uri(self, provider_id): """ Creates an authentication URI for the given social provider. | For more details: | |section-fetch-providers-for-email|_ .. |section-fetch-providers-for-email| replace:: Firebase Auth REST API | Fetch providers for email .. _section-fetch-providers-for-email: :type provider_id: str :param provider_id: The IdP ID. For white listed IdPs it's a short domain name e.g. '', '', '' and ''. For other OpenID IdPs it's the OP identifier. :return: The URI used by the IDP to authenticate the user. :rtype: str """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) data = { "authFlowType": 'CODE_FLOW', "clientId": self.client_secret['client_id'], "providerId": provider_id, "continueUri": self.client_secret['redirect_uris'][0], "customParameter": { "access_type": 'offline', "prompt": 'select_account', "include_granted_scopes": 'true', } } headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} request_object =, headers=headers, json=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) self.provider_id = provider_id self.session_id = request_object.json()['sessionId'] return request_object.json()['authUri']
[docs] def sign_in_with_email_and_password(self, email, password): """ Sign in a user with an email and password. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-sign-in-email-password`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-sign-in-email-password: :type email: str :param email: The email the user is signing in with. :type password: str :param password: The password for the account. :return: UserInfo and Firebase Auth Tokens. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"email": email, "password": password, "returnSecureToken": True}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) self.current_user = request_object.json() return request_object.json()
[docs] def sign_in_anonymous(self): """ Sign In Anonymously. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-sign-in-anonymously`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-sign-in-anonymously: :return: Firebase Auth Tokens. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"returnSecureToken": True}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) self.current_user = request_object.json() return request_object.json()
[docs] def create_custom_token(self, uid, additional_claims=None, expiry_minutes=60): """ Create a Firebase Auth custom token. | For more details: | `Firebase Documentation | Create Custom tokens`_ .. _Firebase Documentation | Create Custom tokens: :type uid: str :param uid: The unique identifier of the user, must be a string, between 1-36 characters long. :type additional_claims: dict or None :param additional_claims: Optional custom claims to include in the Security Rules ``auth`` / ``request.auth`` variables. :type expiry_minutes: int :param expiry_minutes: The time, in minutes since the UNIX epoch, at which the token expires. Default value is 60. :return: Firebase Auth custom token. :rtype: str """ service_account_email = self.credentials.service_account_email private_key = jwk.JWK.from_pem(self.credentials.signer._key.private_bytes(encoding=Encoding.PEM, format=PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=NoEncryption())) payload = { "iss": service_account_email, "sub": service_account_email, "aud": "", "uid": uid } if additional_claims: payload["claims"] = additional_claims exp = datetime.timedelta(minutes=expiry_minutes) return jwt.generate_jwt(payload, private_key, "RS256", exp, other_headers={'kid': self.credentials.signer._key_id})
[docs] def sign_in_with_custom_token(self, token): """ Exchange custom token for an ID and refresh token. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-verify-custom-token`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-verify-custom-token : :type token: str :param token: A Firebase Auth custom token from which to create an ID and refresh token pair. :return: Firebase Auth Tokens. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) # noqa headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"returnSecureToken": True, "token": token}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def refresh(self, refresh_token): """ Refresh a Firebase ID token. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-refresh-token`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-refresh-token : :type refresh_token: str :param refresh_token: A Firebase Auth refresh token. :return: New (Refreshed) Firebase Auth tokens for the account. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"grantType": "refresh_token", "refreshToken": refresh_token}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) request_object_json = request_object.json() # handle weirdly formatted response user = { "userId": request_object_json["user_id"], "idToken": request_object_json["id_token"], "refreshToken": request_object_json["refresh_token"] } return user
[docs] def get_account_info(self, id_token): """ Fetch user's stored account information. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-get-account-info`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-get-account-info : :type id_token: str :param id_token: The Firebase ID token of the account. :return: The account info, associated with the given Firebase ID token. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"idToken": id_token}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def send_email_verification(self, id_token): """ Send an email verification to verify email ownership. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-send-email-verification`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-send-email-verification : :type id_token: str :param id_token: The Firebase ID token of the user to verify. :return: The email of the account associated with Firebase ID token. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"requestType": "VERIFY_EMAIL", "idToken": id_token}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def send_password_reset_email(self, email): """ Send a password reset email. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-send-password-reset-email`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-send-password-reset-email: :type email: str :param email: User's email address. :return: User's email address. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"requestType": "PASSWORD_RESET", "email": email}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def verify_password_reset_code(self, reset_code, new_password): """ Reset password using code. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | #section-confirm-reset-password`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | #section-confirm-reset-password: :type reset_code: str :param reset_code: The email action code sent to the user's email for resetting the password. :type new_password: str :param new_password: The user's new password. :return: User Email and Type of the email action code. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"oobCode": reset_code, "newPassword": new_password}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def create_user_with_email_and_password(self, email, password): """ Create a new user with email and password. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-create-email-password`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-create-email-password: :type email: str :param email: The email for the user to create. :type password: str :param password: The password for the user to create. :return: User Email and Firebase Auth Tokens. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"email": email, "password": password, "returnSecureToken": True}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def delete_user_account(self, id_token): """ Delete an existing user. | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-delete-account`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-delete-account: :type id_token: str :param id_token: The Firebase ID token of the user to delete. """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"idToken": id_token}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def sign_in_with_oauth_credential(self, oauth2callback_url): """ Sign In With OAuth credential. | For more details: | |section-sign-in-with-oauth-credential|_ .. |section-sign-in-with-oauth-credential| replace:: Firebase Auth REST API | Sign in with OAuth credential .. _section-sign-in-with-oauth-credential: :type oauth2callback_url: str :param oauth2callback_url: The URL redirected to after successful authorization from the provider. :return: User account info and Firebase Auth Tokens. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) token = self._token_from_auth_url(oauth2callback_url) data = { 'postBody': 'providerId={0}&{1}={2}'.format(self.provider_id, token['type'], token['value']), 'autoCreate': 'true', 'requestUri': self.client_secret['redirect_uris'][0], 'sessionId': self.session_id, 'returnSecureToken': 'true', 'returnRefreshToken': 'true', 'returnIdpCredential': 'false', } headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} request_object =, headers=headers, json=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) self.current_user = request_object.json() return request_object.json()
def _token_from_auth_url(self, url): """ Fetch tokens using the authorization code from given URL. :type url: str :param url: The URL redirected to after successful authorization from the provider. :return: The OAuth credential (an ID token). :rtype: dict """ request_ref = '' auth_url_values = parse_qs(url[url.index('?') + 1:]) data = { 'client_id': self.client_secret['client_id'], 'client_secret': self.client_secret['client_secret'], 'code': auth_url_values['code'][0], 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri': self.client_secret['redirect_uris'][0], } headers = {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"} request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return { 'type': 'id_token', 'value': request_object.json()['id_token'], }
[docs] def update_profile(self, id_token, display_name=None, photo_url=None, delete_attribute=None): """ Update a user's profile (display name / photo URL). | For more details: | `Firebase Auth REST API | section-update-profile`_ .. _Firebase Auth REST API | section-update-profile: :type id_token: str :param id_token: A Firebase Auth ID token for the user. :type display_name: str or None :param display_name: User's new display name. :type photo_url: None or str :param photo_url: User's new photo url. :type delete_attribute: list[str] or None :param delete_attribute: List of attributes to delete, "DISPLAY_NAME" or "PHOTO_URL". This will nullify these values. :return: UserInfo and Firebase Auth Tokens. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = "{0}".format(self.api_key) headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} data = json.dumps({"idToken": id_token, "displayName": display_name, "photoURL": photo_url, "deleteAttribute": delete_attribute, "returnSecureToken": True}) request_object =, headers=headers, data=data) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
def _load_client_secret(secret): """ Load social providers' client secret from file if file path provided. This function also restructures the dict object to make it compatible for usage. :type secret: str or dict :param secret: File path to or the dict object from social client secret file. :return: social client secret :rtype: dict """ if type(secret) is str: with open(secret) as file: secret = json.load(file) # Google client secrets are stored within 'web' key # We will remove the key, and replace it with the dict type value of it secret = secret['web'] return secret