Source code for firebase.database

#   Copyright (c) 2022 Asif Arman Rahman
#   Licensed under MIT (

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A simple python wrapper for Google's `Firebase Database REST API`_

.. _Firebase Database REST API:

import math
import json
import time
from random import randrange
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request

from ._stream import Stream
from ._db_convert import FirebaseResponse
from firebase._exception import raise_detailed_error
from ._db_convert import convert_to_firebase, convert_list_to_firebase

[docs]class Database: """ Firebase Database Service :type credentials: :class:`~google.oauth2.service_account.Credentials` :param credentials: Service Account Credentials. :type database_url: str :param database_url: ``databaseURL`` from Firebase configuration. :type requests: :class:`~requests.Session` :param requests: Session to make HTTP requests. """ def __init__(self, credentials, database_url, requests): """ Constructor """ if not database_url.endswith('/'): url = ''.join([database_url, '/']) else: url = database_url self.credentials = credentials self.database_url = url self.requests = requests self.path = "" self.build_query = {} self.last_push_time = 0 self.last_rand_chars = []
[docs] def order_by_key(self): """ Filter data by their keys. | For more details: | |filtering_by_key|_ .. |filtering_by_key| replace:: Firebase Documentation | Retrieve Data | Filtering Data | filtering_by_key .. _filtering_by_key: :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["orderBy"] = "$key" return self
[docs] def order_by_value(self): """ Filter data by the value of their child keys. | For more details: | |filtering-by-value|_ .. |filtering-by-value| replace:: Firebase Documentation | Retrieve Data | Filtering Data | filtering-by-value .. _filtering-by-value: :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["orderBy"] = "$value" return self
[docs] def order_by_child(self, order): """ Filter data by a common child key. | For more details: | |filtering-by-a-specified-child-key|_ .. |filtering-by-a-specified-child-key| replace:: Firebase Documentation | Retrieve Data | Filtering Data | filtering-by-a-specified-child-key .. _filtering-by-a-specified-child-key: :type order: str :param order: Child key name. :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["orderBy"] = order return self
[docs] def start_at(self, start): """ Filter data where child key value starts from specified value. | For more details: | |range-queries|_ .. |range-queries| replace:: Firebase Documentation | Retrieve Data | Complex Filtering | range-queries .. _range-queries: :type start: int or float or str :param start: Arbitrary starting points for queries. :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["startAt"] = start return self
[docs] def end_at(self, end): """ Filter data where child key value ends at specified value. | For more details: | |range-queries|_ :type end: int or float or str :param end: Arbitrary ending points for queries. :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["endAt"] = end return self
[docs] def equal_to(self, equal): """ Filter data where child key value is equal to specified value. | For more details: | |range-queries|_ :type equal: int or float or str :param equal: Arbitrary point for queries. :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["equalTo"] = equal return self
[docs] def limit_to_first(self, limit_first): """ Filter the number of data to receive from top. | For more details: | |limit-queries|_ .. |limit-queries| replace:: Firebase Documentation | Retrieve Data | Complex Filtering | limit-queries .. _limit-queries: :type limit_first: int :param limit_first: Maximum number of children to select from top. :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["limitToFirst"] = limit_first return self
[docs] def limit_to_last(self, limit_last): """ Filter the number of data to receive from bottom. | For more details: | |limit-queries|_ :type limit_last: int :param limit_last: Maximum number of children to select from bottom. :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["limitToLast"] = limit_last return self
[docs] def shallow(self): """ Limit the depth of the response. | For more details: | |section-param-shallow|_ .. |section-param-shallow| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | Query Parameters | section-param-shallow | .. _section-param-shallow: :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ self.build_query["shallow"] = True return self
[docs] def child(self, *args): """ Build paths to your data. :type args: str :param args: Positional arguments to build path to database. :return: A reference to the instance object. :rtype: Database """ new_path = "/".join([str(arg) for arg in args]) if self.path: self.path += "/{}".format(new_path) else: if new_path.startswith("/"): new_path = new_path[1:] self.path = new_path return self
[docs] def build_request_url(self, token): """ Builds Request URL for query. :type token: str :param token: Firebase Auth User ID Token :return: Request URL :rtype: str """ parameters = {} if token: parameters['auth'] = token for param in list(self.build_query): if type(self.build_query[param]) is str: parameters[param] = '"' + self.build_query[param] + '"' elif type(self.build_query[param]) is bool: parameters[param] = "true" if self.build_query[param] else "false" else: parameters[param] = self.build_query[param] # reset path and build_query for next query request_ref = '{0}{1}.json?{2}'.format(self.database_url, self.path, urlencode(parameters)) self.path = "" self.build_query = {} return request_ref
[docs] def build_headers(self, token=None): """ Build Request Header. :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :return: Request Header. :rtype: dict """ headers = {"content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"} if not token and self.credentials: if not self.credentials.valid: self.credentials.refresh(Request()) access_token = self.credentials.token headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + access_token return headers
[docs] def get(self, token=None, json_kwargs={}): """ Read data from database. | For more details: | |section-get|_ .. |section-get| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | GET - Reading Data .. _section-get: :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :type json_kwargs: dict :param json_kwargs: (Optional) Keyword arguments to send to :func:`json.dumps` method for deserialization of data, defaults to :data:`{}` (empty :class:`dict` object). :return: The data associated with the path. :rtype: dict """ build_query = self.build_query query_key = self.path.split("/")[-1] request_ref = self.build_request_url(token) # headers headers = self.build_headers(token) # do request request_object = self.requests.get(request_ref, headers=headers) raise_detailed_error(request_object) request_dict = request_object.json(**json_kwargs) # if primitive or simple query return if isinstance(request_dict, list): return FirebaseResponse(convert_list_to_firebase(request_dict), query_key) if not isinstance(request_dict, dict): return FirebaseResponse(request_dict, query_key) if not build_query: return FirebaseResponse(convert_to_firebase(request_dict.items()), query_key) # return keys if shallow if build_query.get("shallow"): return FirebaseResponse(request_dict.keys(), query_key) # otherwise sort sorted_response = None if build_query.get("orderBy"): if build_query["orderBy"] == "$key": sorted_response = sorted(request_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]) elif build_query["orderBy"] == "$value": sorted_response = sorted(request_dict.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]) else: sorted_response = sorted(request_dict.items(), key=lambda item: (build_query["orderBy"] in item[1], item[1].get(build_query["orderBy"], ""))) return FirebaseResponse(convert_to_firebase(sorted_response), query_key)
[docs] def push(self, data, token=None, json_kwargs={}): """ Add data to database. This method adds a Firebase Push ID at the end of the specified path, and then adds/stores the data in database, unlike :meth:`set` which does not use a Firebase Push ID. | For more details: | |section-post|_ .. |section-post| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | POST - Pushing Data .. _section-post: :type data: dict :param data: Data to be stored in database. :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :type json_kwargs: dict :param json_kwargs: (Optional) Keyword arguments to send to :func:`json.dumps` method for serialization of data, defaults to :data:`{}` (empty :class:`dict` object). :return: Child key (Firebase Push ID) name of the data. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = self.check_token(self.database_url, self.path, token) self.path = "" headers = self.build_headers(token) request_object =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data, **json_kwargs).encode("utf-8")) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def set(self, data, token=None, json_kwargs={}): """ Add data to database. This method writes the data in database in the specified path, unlike :meth:`push` which creates a Firebase Push ID then writes the data to database. | For more details: | |section-put|_ .. |section-put| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | PUT - Writing Data .. _section-put: :type data: dict :param data: Data to be stored in database. :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :type json_kwargs: dict :param json_kwargs: (Optional) Keyword arguments to send to :func:`json.dumps` method for serialization of data, defaults to :data:`{}` (empty :class:`dict` object). :return: Successful attempt returns the ``data`` specified to add to database. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = self.check_token(self.database_url, self.path, token) self.path = "" headers = self.build_headers(token) request_object = self.requests.put(request_ref, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data, **json_kwargs).encode("utf-8")) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def update(self, data, token=None, json_kwargs={}): """ Update stored data of database. | For more details: | |section-patch|_ .. |section-patch| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | PATCH - Updating Data .. _section-patch: :type data: dict :param data: Data to be updated. :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :type json_kwargs: dict :param json_kwargs: (Optional) Keyword arguments to send to :func:`json.dumps` method for serialization of data, defaults to :data:`{}` (empty :class:`dict` object). :return: Successful attempt returns the data specified to update. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = self.check_token(self.database_url, self.path, token) self.path = "" headers = self.build_headers(token) request_object = self.requests.patch(request_ref, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data, **json_kwargs).encode("utf-8")) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def remove(self, token=None): """ Delete data from database. | For more details: | |section-delete|_ .. |section-delete| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | DELETE - Removing Data .. _section-delete: :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :return: Successful attempt returns :data:`None`. :rtype: :data:`None` """ request_ref = self.check_token(self.database_url, self.path, token) self.path = "" headers = self.build_headers(token) request_object = self.requests.delete(request_ref, headers=headers) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def stream(self, stream_handler, token=None, stream_id=None, is_async=True): request_ref = self.build_request_url(token) return Stream(request_ref, stream_handler, self.build_headers, stream_id, is_async)
[docs] def check_token(self, database_url, path, token): """ Builds Request URL to write/update/remove data. :type database_url: str :param database_url: ``databaseURL`` from Firebase configuration. :type path: str :param path: Path to data. :type token: str :param token: Firebase Auth User ID Token :return: Request URL :rtype: str """ if token: return '{0}{1}.json?auth={2}'.format(database_url, path, token) else: return '{0}{1}.json'.format(database_url, path)
[docs] def generate_key(self): """ Generate Firebase's push IDs. | For more details: | |firebase-push-id|_ .. |firebase-push-id| replace:: Firebase Blog | The 2^120 Ways to Ensure Unique Identifiers .. _firebase-push-id: :return: Firebase's push IDs :rtype: str """ push_chars = '-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' now = int(time.time() * 1000) duplicate_time = now == self.last_push_time self.last_push_time = now time_stamp_chars = [0] * 8 for i in reversed(range(0, 8)): time_stamp_chars[i] = push_chars[now % 64] now = int(math.floor(now / 64)) new_id = "".join(time_stamp_chars) if not duplicate_time: self.last_rand_chars = [randrange(64) for _ in range(12)] else: for i in range(0, 11): if self.last_rand_chars[i] == 63: self.last_rand_chars[i] = 0 self.last_rand_chars[i] += 1 for i in range(0, 12): new_id += push_chars[self.last_rand_chars[i]] return new_id
[docs] def sort(self, origin, by_key, reverse=False): """ Further sort data based on a child key value. :type origin: dict :param origin: Data to be sorted (generally the output from :meth:`get` method). :type by_key: str :param by_key: Child key name to sort by. :type reverse: bool :param reverse: (Optional) Whether to return data in descending order, defaults to :data:`False` (data is returned in ascending order). :return: Sorted version of the data. :rtype: dict """ # unpack firebase objects firebases = origin.each() new_list = [] for firebase in firebases: new_list.append(firebase.item) # sort data = sorted(dict(new_list).items(), key=lambda item: item[1][by_key], reverse=reverse) return FirebaseResponse(convert_to_firebase(data), origin.key())
[docs] def get_etag(self, token=None): """ Fetches Firebase ETag at a specified location. | For more details: | |section-cond-etag|_ .. |section-cond-etag| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | Conditional Requests | #section-cond-etag .. _section-cond-etag: :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :return: Firebase ETag :rtype: str """ request_ref = self.build_request_url(token) headers = self.build_headers(token) # extra header to get ETag headers['X-Firebase-ETag'] = 'true' request_object = self.requests.get(request_ref, headers=headers) raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.headers['ETag']
[docs] def conditional_set(self, data, etag, token=None, json_kwargs={}): """ Conditionally add data to database. | For more details: | |section-expected-responses|_ .. |section-expected-responses| replace:: Firebase Database REST API | Conditional Requests | section-expected-responses .. _section-expected-responses: :type data: dict :param data: Data to be stored in database. :type etag: str :param etag: Unique identifier for specific data at a specified location. :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :type json_kwargs: dict :param json_kwargs: (Optional) Keyword arguments to send to :meth:`json.dumps` methods for serialization of data, defaults to ``{}`` (empty :class:`dict` object). :return: Successful attempt returns the data specified to store, failed attempt (due to ETag mismatch) returns the current ``ETag`` for the specified path. :rtype: dict """ request_ref = self.check_token(self.database_url, self.path, token) self.path = "" headers = self.build_headers(token) headers['if-match'] = etag request_object = self.requests.put(request_ref, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data, **json_kwargs).encode("utf-8")) # ETag didn't match, so we should return the correct one for the user to try again if request_object.status_code == 412: return {'ETag': request_object.headers['ETag']} raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()
[docs] def conditional_remove(self, etag, token=None): """ Conditionally delete data from database. | For more details: | |section-expected-responses|_ :type etag: str :param etag: Unique identifier for specific data at a specified location. :type token: str :param token: (Optional) Firebase Auth User ID Token, defaults to :data:`None`. :return: Successful attempt returns :data:`None`, in case of ETag mismatch an updated ETag for the specific data is returned in :class:`dict` object :rtype: :data:`None` """ request_ref = self.check_token(self.database_url, self.path, token) self.path = "" headers = self.build_headers(token) headers['if-match'] = etag request_object = self.requests.delete(request_ref, headers=headers) # ETag didn't match, so we should return the correct one for the user to try again if request_object.status_code == 412: return {'ETag': request_object.headers['ETag']} raise_detailed_error(request_object) return request_object.json()