
The authentication service allows you to signup, login, edit profile, apply security to the data you might store in either Database or Storage, and of course delete your account.

# Get a reference to the auth service
auth = firebaseApp.auth()


All sign in methods return user data, including a token you can use to adhere the security rules.


Users can create an account using their email address and choice of password.

# Creating an account
auth.create_user_with_email_and_password(email, password)


Make sure you have the Email/Password provider enabled in your Firebase dashboard under Authentication -> Sign In Method.


User can login using their email and password, provided they created an account first.

# Log the user in
user = auth.sign_in_with_email_and_password(email, password)


You can also create users using custom tokens,
For example:
# Create custom token
token = auth.create_custom_token("your_custom_id")

You can also pass in additional claims.

# Create custom token with claims
token_with_additional_claims = auth.create_custom_token("your_custom_id", {"premium_account": True})


You need admin credentials (Service Account Key) to create custom tokens.


You can send these custom tokens to the client to sign in, or sign in as the user on the server.

# log in user using custom token
user = auth.sign_in_with_custom_token(token)


You can add custom claims to existing user, or remove claims which was previously added to that account.

# add claims
auth.set_custom_user_claims(user['localId'], {'premium': True})

# remove claims
auth.set_custom_user_claims(user['localId'], {'premium': None})


1. You need admin credentials (Service Account Key) to add or remove custom claims.

2. The new custom claims will propagate to the user’s ID token the next time a new token is issued.


You can decode the Firebase ID token, and check for claims.

# check if user is subscribed to premium
claims = auth.verify_id_token(user['IdToken'])

if claims['premium'] is True:
 # Allow access to requested premium resource.


Allows users (who haven’t signed up yet) to use your app without creating an account.

# Log the user in anonymously
user = auth.sign_in_anonymous()


Make sure you have the Anonymous provider enabled in your Firebase dashboard under Authentication -> Sign In Method.


Signing in with social providers is done through two steps. First step one is done via redirecting user to the providers’ login page using create_authentication_uri which is can be used dynamically for all providers.


At the moment only sign is via Google is supported, other ones might break or work.

The method returns an link to redirect user to providers’ sign in page. Once the user signs into their account, user is asked for permissions and when granted, are redirect to the uri set while creating OAuth Client IDs, with authorization code to which can be further used to generate tokens to sign in with social providers in second step.

# Get a reference to the auth service with provider secret file
auth = firebaseApp.auth(client_secret='client-secret-file.json')

# Reference to auth service with provider secret from env variable
client_secret_config = {
   "client_id": environ.get("CLIENT_ID"),
   "client_secret": environ.get("CLIENT_SECRET"),
   "redirect_uris": [environ.get("REDIRECT_URI")]

auth = firebaseApp.auth(client_secret=client_secret_config)
# Example usage with Flask
def login_google():
   return redirect(auth.create_authentication_uri(''))


Make sure you have the social provider enabled in your Firebase dashboard under Authentication -> Sign In Method.


This method is actually an reference to create_authentication_uri with Google preset as the provider to use.

# Example usage with Flask
def login_google():
   return redirect(auth.authenticate_login_with_google())


Make sure you have the Google Sign In provider enabled in your Firebase dashboard under Authentication -> Sign In Method.


This method is actually an reference to create_authentication_uri with Facebook preset as the provider to use.

# Example usage with Flask
def login_facebook():
   return redirect(auth.authenticate_login_with_facebook())


Make sure you have the Google Sign In provider enabled in your Firebase dashboard under Authentication -> Sign In Method.


Second step to sign in using social provider is to pass the URL (containing multiple params) that the user is redirected to, into this method. This method auto generates the tokens using params from that URL, then signs the user in using those tokens to Firebase linking the specific provider.

# Here is the redirect URI
# that was set while creating OAuth Client ID

# Example usage with Flask
def oauth2callback():

   user = auth.sign_in_with_oauth_credential(request.url)

        return jsonify(**user)


This method returns an detailed version of the user’s data associated with Authentication service.

# User account info
user_info = auth.get_account_info(user['idToken'])


Update stored information or add information into the user’s account.

# Update user's name
auth.update_profile(user['idToken'], display_name='Iron Man')

# update user's profile picture
auth.update_profile(user['idToken'], photo_url='')


Change the email associated with the user’s account.

# change user's email
auth.change_email(user['idToken'], email='')


Change the password associated with the user’s account.

# change user's password
auth.change_password(user['idToken'], password='iLoveYou3000')


Firebase Auth Tokens are granted when an user logs in, and are associated with an expiration time of an hour generally, after that they lose validation and a new set of Tokens are needed, and they can be obtained by passing the refreshToken key from the users’ tokens, received when logged in.

# before the 1 hour expiry:
user = auth.refresh(user['refreshToken'])

# now we have a fresh token


In case any user want to delete their account, it can be done by passing idToken key from the users’ tokens, received when logged in.



In case any user forgot his password, it is possible to send them email containing an code or link to reset their password.



To ensure the email address belongs to the user who created the account, it is recommended to request verification of the email. Verification code/link can be sent to the user by passing idToken key from the users’ tokens, to this method.
