
The firestore service allows you to run CRUD operations to your Firebase Firestore Database.

# Create database instance
fsdb = firebaseApp.firestore()


Each of the following methods accepts a user token: get(), set(), update(), and delete().

Build Path

You can build paths to your data by using the collection() and document() method.



The methods available/used after collection() method and document() method are NOT SAME. Both method is a reference to different classes with different methods in them.

Save Data


To store data in a collection named Marvels and a document inside the collection named Movies, use set() method.

data = {
   "name": "Iron Man",
   "lead": {
      "name": "Robert Downey Jr."
   'cast': ['Gwyneth Paltrow']
   'released': False,
   'prequel': None



Using this method on an existing document will overwrite the existing document.


To store data in a collection named Marvels within an auto generated document ID, use add() method.

data = {
   "name": "Iron Man",
   "lead": {
      "name": "Robert Downey Jr."
   'cast': ['Gwyneth Paltrow']
   'released': False,
   'prequel': None

id = fsdb.collection('Marvels').add(data)

Read Data


To read data from an existing document Movies of the collection Marvels, use get() method.


It is possible to filter the data of an document to receive specific fields.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').document('Movies').get(field_paths=['', 'released'])

# Output:
# {'lead': {'name': "Robert Downey Jr."}, 'released': False}


To fetch data regarding all existing document (document ID and the data it contains) of an collection Marvels, use get() method.



This get() method is different from the above stated one, and receives different parameters and returns different output.


To fetch all existing document ID’s in a collection Marvels, use list_of_documents() method.


Update Data


To add more data to an existing document, use update() method.

# add new data to an existing document

data = {
   'year': 2008,


To update existing data to an existing document, use update() method.

# update data of an existing document

data = {
   'released': True,


To add an item to an array field in an existing document, use update() method.

from import ArrayUnion
data = {
   'cast': ArrayUnion(['Terrence Howard'])


Delete Data


To remove an field from an existing document, use update() method.

from import DELETE_FIELD
data = {
   'prequel': DELETE_FIELD


To remove an item to an array field in an existing document, use update() method.

from import ArrayRemove
data = {
   'cast': ArrayRemove(['Terrence Howard'])



To remove an existing document in a collection, use delete() method.


Complex Queries


To fetch documents with it’s data in a collection Marvels, ordered of field year-s value.


To order the documents in descending order of field year``s value , add ``direction keyword argument.

from import Query

fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year', direction=Query.DESCENDING).get()


To limit the number of documents returned in a query to first N documents, we use limit_to_first method.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year', direction='DESCENDING').limit_to_first(2).get()


limit_to_first and limit_to_last are mutually exclusive. Setting limit_to_first will drop previously set limit_to_last.


To limit the number of documents returned in a query to last N documents, we use limit_to_last method.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year', direction='ASCENDING').limit_to_last(2).get()


limit_to_first and limit_to_last are mutually exclusive. Setting limit_to_first will drop previously set limit_to_last.


To fetch documents with field year with a 2007 or higher will be fetched from a collection Marvels, and anything before 2007 will be ignored.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year').start_at({'year': 2007}).get()


To fetch documents with field year with a value greater than 2007 will be fetched from a collection Marvels, and any document with a value 2007 or less will be ignored.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year').start_after({'year': 2007}).get()


To fetch documents with field year with a 2022 or less will be fetched from a collection Marvels, and anything after 2022 will be ignored.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year').end_at({'year': 2022}).get()


To fetch documents with field year with a value less than 2023 will be fetched from a collection Marvels, and any document with a value 2023 or greater will be ignored.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year').end_before({'year': 2007}).get()


To filter out the first N documents from a query in collection Marvels.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').order_by('year').offset(5).get()


To filter the fields lead.nam and released to be returned from documents in collection Marvels.

docs = fsdb.collection('Marvels').select(['', 'released']).get()


To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field year exists with a value less than 2008.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('year', '<', 2008).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field year exists with a value less than equal to 2008.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('year', '<=', 2008).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field released exists with a value equal to True.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('released', '==', True).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field released exists with a value not equal to False.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('released', '!=', False).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field year exists with a value greater than equal to 2008.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('year', '>=', 2008).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field year exists with a value greater than 2008.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('year', '>', 2008).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a array field cast exists and contains a value Gwyneth Paltrow.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('cast', 'array_contains', 'Gwyneth Paltrow').get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a array field cast exists and contains either Gwyneth Paltrow or Terrence Howard as a value.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('cast', 'array_contains_any', ['Gwyneth Paltrow', 'Terrence Howard']).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field exists with a value Robert Downey Jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('', 'in', ['Robert Downey Jr.', 'Benedict Cumberbatch']).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a field exists without a value Robert Downey Jr. or Benedict Cumberbatch.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('', 'not-in', ['Robert Downey Jr.', 'Benedict Cumberbatch']).get()

To fetch all documents and its data in a collection Marvels where a array field cast exists with a value Gwyneth Paltrow.

fsdb.collection('Marvels').where('cast', 'in', [['Gwyneth Paltrow']]).get()