Setup Project

Before you can add Firebase to your Python app, you need to create a Firebase project and register your app with that project. When you register your app with Firebase, you’ll get a Firebase configuration object that you’ll use to connect your app with your Firebase project resources.

Create a Firebase project

  1. In the Firebase console, click Add project.

    • To add Firebase resources to an existing Google Cloud project, enter its project name or select it from the dropdown menu.

    • To create a new project, enter the desired project name. You can also optionally edit the project ID displayed below the project name.


      Firebase generates a unique ID for your Firebase project based upon the name you give it. If you want to edit this project ID, you must do it now as it cannot be altered after Firebase provisions resources for your project. Visit Understand Firebase Projects to learn about how Firebase uses the project ID.

  2. If prompted, review and accept the Firebase terms.

  3. Click Continue.

  4. (Optional) Set up Google Analytics for your project.


    You can always set up Google Analytics later in the integrations tab of your Project settings.

  5. Click Create project (or Add Firebase, if you’re using an existing Google Cloud project).

Firebase automatically provisions resources for your Firebase project. When the process completes, you’ll be taken to the overview page for your Firebase project in the Firebase console.

Setup Realtime Database

databaseURL key is not present by default in the Firebase configuration when an app is registered. It is recommended to setup database before registering an app.

Register your app

After you have a Firebase project, you can register your web app with that project.

  1. In the center of the Firebase console’s project overview page, click the Web icon () to launch the setup workflow.

    If you’ve already added an app to your Firebase project, click Add app to display the platform options.
  2. Enter your app’s nickname.
    This nickname is an internal, convenience identifier and is only visible to you in the Firebase console.
  3. Click Register app.

  4. Copy the Firebase configuration dict shown in the screen, and store it use to connect to your project later in code example part.
    The dict should be of the architecture shown below:
config = {
   "apiKey": "apiKey",
   "authDomain": "",
   "databaseURL": "",
   "projectId": "projectId",
   "storageBucket": "",
   "messagingSenderId": "messagingSenderId",
   "appId": "appId"
  1. Click Continue to console.